Friday, 30 October 2009

Giving up smoking - one year on

Well, it is a year today that I went in to hospital to have hip surgery. It is also a year today that I had my last cigarette.
A year is a long time and I am pleased to say that both momentous events have passed off better than I had hoped.
While I still have some problems with mobility and flexibility, my hip has settled down and gives me the support I need. I am booked in to have the other one done in January after which I will be embarking on some major physiotherapy to get both hips fully functioning.
Surprisingly I was back working only 6 weeks after surgery, half the time I was supposed to have left it (sorry Dr's).
As to not smoking; this has been way easier than I feared. I had great support from the Government Quit Smoking programme (sometimes they do get things right) and would encourage any smoker to give it a go. You have nothing to lose.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the non smoking, i dont smoke at all... unless i get drunk and then it doesnt count! i hope you're well Mr and hope the next op goes well! x
