Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Bad Things ....

Time for another rant!!

Supermarket queues. Why is it that some women, usually stood in front of me, suddenly decide they have forgotten to put something in their basket/trolley and go wandering off round the store to find it leaving their basket/trolley in the queue? Why the hell can't they do what the rest of us do and write a list? Or if they have forgotten something take their trolley/basket with them to go get it? Damned inconsideration, that's why!! Grrrr

Motorway driving. We drag acts, more than most, have to endure hour upon hour each week swerving to avoid the appalling drivers that inhabit our roads. You would think that driving to and from gigs at odd hours we would avoid the worst. But, oh no, leaving home at 4/5/6pm we drive straight into the rush hour; all those frustrated guys (yeah, usually guys) trying to find a hole in the traffic to squeeze through in an effort to get home 5 minutes early. Then, late at night, when we are driving home in, one would have thought, relative solitude we have to be constantly alert for drunk drivers and those falling asleep at the wheel. You would expect that at least we could expect impeccable road manners from fellow professional drivers, HGV drivers. But no, in their own way they are the worst. The number of times I have had to follow 2 HGV's side by side for miles because they can't overtake each other. FFS they have their gearboxes restricted to 60 mph so how the hell can they expect to overtake each other? One section of the A14 has the right idea and during the hours of 8am-8pm they are not allowed to use the outside lane if over 7.5 tonnes. How sensible.

Right, rant over. Have a nice day!

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