Sunday, 23 November 2008

Hip update

My convalescence continues and my recovery comes along in leaps and bounds.

I have been out of hospital just 13 days and already I am walking around the house unaided - albeit looking like a drunken sailor rolling along the gangway of a storm-tossed frigate. Out in public I still use a walking stick, mainly for balance and sympathy!

I am hoping to be driving my car by the end of the week, even if it is only round the block, and then it is all systems go for learning to walk on stilettos again.

I have bookings from 11th December which I have every confidence of fulfilling.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Back in the land of the living ...

Well, 3 days in hospital turned into 10 days as I was beset with complications.

Thankfully every thing has been resolved and I am back in the bosom of my home and learning to cope with life on crutches.

Thank you to all those who sent their best wishes. It meant a lot.

Hopefully I will be able to squeeze in a couple of bookings before Christmas, otherwise I shall be back firing on all cylinders in the New Year